Call for Proposals
The Black Mountain Center for the Arts (BMCA) Theatre's goal is to provide exceptional, creative, diverse, and affordable theatrical productions which stimulate and entertain the audience and artist. We welcome proposals for both original and established works in an effort to provide our community with quality live theatrical performances. We open calls for proposals annually.
We no longer accepting proposals for the 24-25 Season! We will begin accepting proposals for our 25-26 Season in January 2025. In the meantime please read below for more information and for directions for submitting proposals.
General Information
Each production will receive six performances over two weekends. Generally, performances are at 7:00 pm on Friday and Saturday and 2:00 pm on Sunday.
24-25 Tentative Dates
Show #1 September 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29
Show #2 December 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22
Show #3 February 21, 22, 23, 28 March 1, 2
Show #4 May 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25
The producing group will:
Rehearse off site until given access to the BMCA theatre the Sunday before the first performance. The theatre will be available on Sunday for 8 hours and for four hours each day, Monday through Thursday prior to the first performance. Evening hours are available for rehearsal but please note that there is a dance studio above the theater and you will hear those classes most evenings.
Meet with a BMCA staff member to become familiar with our lighting and sound systems
Provide all costumes, set pieces, and props for the play. Sets may need to be struck immediately after some performances.
Provide tech staff as needed during rehearsals and productions.
Abide by the royalties contract..
Provide BMCA with content for the playbill a minimum of two weeks prior to the first performance. BMCA will design and copy the playbill in-house.
Set the ticket price between $20 - $30. The maximum number of seats in the BMCA theater is 80**. Any changes to the seating arrangement must be pre-approved and must accommodate a minimum of 60 seats.
Return the theater and lighting back to their original set-up and leave the space exactly as it was.
The Black Mountain Center for the Arts will:
BMCA staff will be available by appointment to go over lighting and sound equipment, building and safety procedures.
BMCA will apply for and secure the royalties associated with producing the play.
Create a show poster and create the playbill
BMCA will manage ticket sales, front of house, concessions, and cleaning. The cost of royalties and scripts, and a flat rate of $100 per show will be deducted from gross ticket sales. After those expenses BMCA will split ticket sales with 30% going to BMCA and 70% going to the producing group.
Marketing & Co-Marketing
BMCA will co-market the play by:
Including information about the play in our newsletter
Listing plays on our website
Social media content
Press releases and articles
Designing and printing posters
BMCA welcomes creative input for the look and feel of the show’s graphics
BMCA will provide five 11”x17” and twenty five 8.5”x11” posters for the group to distribute. Anything over that will need to be printed at the cost of the group
The producing group will co-market the play by:
Provide images in advance of the show for marketing purposes
Marketing on social media
Emailing groups and personal contacts
Distributing posters
Other marketing with BMCA approval
Submitting a proposal
Please send the following materials in an email as a single attachment (Word or PDF). Your application should be no more than four pages total. Please DO NOT send separate documents.
Send the email to:
Summarize your project. Include: Play title, a brief synopsis, author, characters and their ages/genders/ethnicities if applicable
Tell us why you want to produce this show, in this place, at this time?
Explain your marketing plan. How will you get the word out about your play? Might your play topic enable cross-marketing with other organizations? (examples: Planned Parenthood, Beloved Asheville)
Research the cost of royalties for this show and include that amount in your proposal
Include an appropriate resume or bio
Will you hold open auditions for selecting the cast? (note: this not required, but is of interest as applications are reviewed)