the Black Mountain Center for the Arts

The Black Mountain Center for the Arts is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) that depends on donor contributions to achieve our mission. For over twenty years we have promoted and supported the literary, visual, and performing arts in our community. We need your support to continue to “bring the people to the arts and the arts to the people”. Thank you!
Ways to Donate
Phone: 828.669.0930
Mail a Check: 225 West State Street Black Mountain, NC 28711
Visit Us: Visitor Information
Matching gifts are an easy way to increase the impact of your contribution at no additional cost to you. Check with your company’s Human Resources department to see if matches donations to nonprofits.
Make a lasting contribution to the work of BMCA by naming us as a beneficiary in your will, as a recipient of a portion of your estate, or by establishing a charitable trust. If you would like more information about making a planned gift, please contact Lori Cozzi, Executive Director, director@blackmountainarts, or call 828.669.0930.
Support BMCA as a sponsor and show your customers that you support creativity, education, and art-making in our community. We have a range of sponsorship opportunities designed to fit your marketing needs and community-facing objectives, such as sponsoring an event, exhibition, or performance. Click here to view our current sponsorship options. To sponsor our programs, please contact Lori Cozzi, Executive Director, email director@blackmountainarts.org or call 828.669.0930.
BMCA accepts new and gently used items. Your in-kind donation is a great way to support our work and reduce our costs. Do you have services or items to donate? We’d love to hear from you! Please call us at 828.669.0930.